2009 SOS Emergency Relief in Burkina Faso

Sep 09, 2009 01:00 PM
Sponsor a child in Burkina Faso

On 1st September 2009, heavy rain hit Burkina Faso. The capital, Ouagadougou, and its surroundings were seriously affected by the strong rains. Water levels reached 26 cm in ten hours which caused tremendous flooding in the area.

Other regions in Burkina Faso are also affected by this catastrophe: Central Plateau, Centre South, Centre North, Centre East and Centre West, Sahel and Boucle du Mouhoun.

The impacts of the torrential rainfalls were terrible: Houses were destroyed and filled with mud, power supply lines were damaged, leaving part of the city without electricity. In addition streets were flooded; bridges collapsed which both led to traffic jams and the closure of important traffic routes. Due to the high water levels some of the less stable houses collapsed and injured people, and some people even drowned in the mud. An outbreak of malaria, typhus and cholera is anticipated. This will worsen the current situation as a lot of hospitals are already non-operational as a consequence of the floods.

So far eight people have died in Burkina Faso. In Ouagadougou 24,449 houses have been destroyed and more than 150,000 people have been affected by these floods, of whom 70,000 are children under the age of 14. Only 20,000 of these people could find shelter with their families and friends, but the big majority are dependant on aid. According to the Prime Minister of Burkina Faso 130,000 people were offered temporary lodging in public schools and colleges which are available due to summer holidays.

At the moment there is a desperate need for food, drinking water, blankets, clothes and sanitary facilities.

The government of Burkina Faso is appealing to all national and international organisations for help and support in these difficult times.

SOS Children’s Village Ouagadougou is located in the district of Nongr-Maason, which is one of the most affected areas. In this district more than 5,000 people (including over 2,200 children) are suffering. Among them are the biological families of two siblings who are living in the SOS Youth Homes, as well as two SOS employees. (The Children's Village itself is safe, though.)

SOS Children’s Villages will offer support to all victims of the flood in Nongr-Maason area. It will provide items like food (rice, oil, cornflower, milk, biscuits etc), blankets, soap and medicines. 14 employees of SOS Burkina Faso and 56 people from the community (partly volunteers) will engage in the SOS emergency relief programme which will start as soon as possible and will run for one month.

Support for this much-needed SOS Emergency Relief Programme would be appreciated. Please make a donation here, and specify you want the money to go towards the Burkina Faso emergency programme in the 'Special Instructions' box. Thank you very much.